Keeping travel dreams alive and setting goals has never felt more important. We can all agree that 2020 has been an unfortunate year so far, and almost every facet of daily life has been wrought by this ongoing global pandemic, the start of which now feels like forever ago. The arts has been one of the hardest hit areas, so The AU Review has kickstarted a Q&A series “looking past the pandemic”, encouraging creatives from around the world to share their travel hopes, dreams, and the thoughts or things that are getting them through 2020, while also highlighting essential experiences in their own country.
Dizzy Fae (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
“No one has lived and is living exactly how you are”, says Dizzy Fae, a queer, Black, interdisciplinary artist and activist based out of Minnesota, on her new single “I’m Good”. “The things you go through sometimes will just never be okay. So I made this song to highlight the strength in knowing some things will never be okay, but you are going to be okay…shit, you’re gonna be good.” And that’s exactly the sentiment threaded through her latest songs, a potent healing process that’s brimming with the kind of strength and fortitude needed to navigate trauma.
We caught up with Dizzy Fae to look past the pandemic.
When travel opens up completely, the first place I’m going is…
I’ll probably just go where I need to go. I’m pretty spooked about being in crowded places with the pandemic but also enjoying having people 6ft from me haha, so anything for music I’m there. It’s also like… hold up when will that even be?

Whenever I have a visitor in Minnesota and I want to show them a good night out, the first place I take them is…
Well, I’d call some of my homies first and see what’s good for the night. They usually know the spots, but we’ll have multiple things planned. So we could start off by getting some food cause ya might be hungry after travels and oh shit look at that, we get caught in the rain because well, Minnesota weather is unpredictable all seasons.
I give you the option of ramen or sushi and you choose nothing and let me choose, that’s wild.. and I say “Let’s get both” cause I’m bad and if you rollin’ with me you bad too. Anyways, we pull up to Moto-i for ramen do a little slup slup and dip to grab sushi at Wakame. I’d surprise you with a DJ set by me and we’d dance all night into the sunset cause the rain would be gone by night and for some reason the sun shines at night when you’re with me.
We’d end the night at…
So we end up dancing into the sunset that happens to be at night and you tell me “dizzy…wow. We’re really up here.. we’re really dancing to the sun” and I’ll reply, I’ll always reply “yea , that’s hot. Welcome.” More ends up happening into the night but If I told you now then I’d have to kill you.. just kidding but the night actually depends on the person that’s in town, what they’re into and why they’re here.

Most memorable thing I’ve eaten on the road…
I got a thing for croissants. When I was last on tour February 2020 I fell in love. I fell in love with a croissant in Montreal, Canada. It had chocolate filling and love of its own. I bought 3 in that sitting and have missed them ever since. Also once when I was in London I had the best bagel at a train station… yurp.
The one international venue I’ve always wanted to play….
I’m just excited to play wherever I play. But some day I’d like to play in space.
The one international destination I’m yet to visit but have always dreamed of…
I would love to play in Japan. I’m always like yea I would travel somewhere just to visit but like what if I played my music there. I can’t really see myself traveling without performing or making music most of the time.
The three things or thoughts that are getting me through this pandemic….
Being productive with many sources of happiness. I like to tell myself ‘now or never’ especially right now. I wrote my goals down and I’m like girl get this shit done and more shall come. Get this money. Give love. Stretch. Work this body. Get out of bed. Make your bed. Do it again. For the most part that all works. There’s been more than 3 things that’s getting me through this haha.
For more on Dizzy Fae head on over to her Facebook here.