Don’t miss one of the latest exhibitions to take Sydney by storm: Phantasma at the Plump Gallery on Enmore Road. Only two more days left!
Phantasma showcases the work of five Inner West artists whose practice reflects the eclectic diversity of this urban wonderland. From twisted time-warping sculptures to abandoned melancholic spaces, fairytale fantasies and captured fragile moments, Phantasma is a walk in the woods of these creative minds.
Viki Clark will entice you into her magical wonderland with her cute and naïve hand crafted ceramic and paper pieces. Her work reflects a chilhood spent in the English woodlands, where her young imagination went wild.
In her sculptural works Nyssa Miller captures the movement of figures through a series of frozen frames. The tension between each ‘still’ is palpable, as if the figures are trying to pull away from themselves in the transition from one place to another.
Tasman Miller’s photographic series explores the urban environment, from crumbling interiors to abandoned carparks. They are spaces that have ceased to be used for their original function but hold the traces of their past and the history of the people who used them.
Damien King’s sculptures represent the power struggle between the natural and the urban environment. His twisted trees fight their iron bonds and hard beds of concrete. These tactile and evocative works are both beautiful and compelling in their portrayal of this contemporary issue.
Luke Izm close rapport with subjects that wouldn’t necessarily pose for other photographers has enabled him to capture everything from intimate moments, eclectic personalities, playful vitality and moments of inner stillness.
Plump Gallery, 240 Enmore Rd, Enmore
Exhibition runs from March 3-10
Opening hours Tuesday- Friday 10am, Saturday 11.30 am- 7pm
Works by Viki Clark, Nyssa Miller, Luke Ward, Damien King and Tasman Miller.