Bec Sandridge has continued to captivate with her latest single, “You’re a Fucking Joke”. Her vocals have a quality about them that is attention grabbing in the way that Kimbra, Regina Spektor and Kate Miller-Heidke have also been synonymous with – commanding, quirky and electrifying, Bec is just a joy to listen to.
Her new single is a little slice of indie pop greatness that takes on those people we all come across who make us go, ‘Why?’. Tongue set firmly in cheek, the tune bounces along and isn’t afraid to get a little bit gritty. Sandridge notes that the subject of “You’re a Fucking Joke” is real (lives in Glasgow), but the song definitely has a wider stretch: “[The song] is about a person in Glasgow but also about how, at the time, all my friends were going through similar situations. And we thought, ‘What’s with all these people dangling the carrot, saying they are interested and then changing their mind?”
Check it out below!