We all know how much damage ex-Tropical Cyclone Debbie left strewn down the east coast only months ago and to help those who needed it, the crew behind Splendour in the Grass announced a fundraiser to get some much-needed funds together.
The initiative saw a limited amount – fifty, to be exact – specially made Gold Passes auctioned off across a four day period, for this year’s festival (headlined by the likes of Queens of the Stone Age, LCD Soundsystem and more), with all the proceeds going towards communities who bore the brunt of Debbie’s force.
Now that the money has been tallied, Splendour has this week announced that a grand total of $69,067.25 has been raised through the auction and will be distributed across the Tweed Mayor Appeal Fund, the Mullumbimby & District Neighbourhood Centre Inc. and the Lismore City Flood Appeal.
A huge effort by everyone with a final result going towards the well-deserving this year.
Well done!
Splendour in the Grass runs from July 21st through until July 23rd at the North Byron Parklands. The event is completely sold out.