In our 37th installment of “Stumbled Upon”, we meet Sydney’s pop rockers Why We Run and chat about their debut single ‘Comfortable Lie’. We get o know the artists that inspire them, learn how the band got started and find out more about what they’ve got coming up – including a show in Wollongong tonight!
Band Name:
Why We Run
Website / Social Media:
Facebook / Soundcloud / Twitter / Triple J Unearthed
Members & their roles:
We like to switch it up a bit on some songs, but the core format is as follows…
Nic Cogels – Vox/Guitar/Belgian
Nick Langley – Guitar/BVs
Ed Prescott – Drums/BVs
Lloyd Prescott – Bass/Keys
What music or artists inspired you?
Although there is certainly common ground in terms of musical inspiration within our band, everyone brings something different to the table and we all listen widely. Everything from 90s guitar bands like Pavement and The Lemonheads, to staples like Neil Young and The Beatles, to glitchy/electronic stuff, post-rock and soundtracks. And let’s not forget The Vengaboys…
How did the band get started?
A number of years ago our singer Nic moved to Australia from Belgium and met my brother Ed. They bonded over music and decided it’d be a great idea to put a little band together. I (Lloyd) got involved as the bass player and shortly after this another two folks (Nick being one of them) joined. We played together for a few years under the name Cogel. Over time our sound changed and we parted ways with our violin player. This was the birth of Why We Run.
How would you best describe your live show:
“They didn’t run as much as the name might suggest”
What shows do you have coming up?
Friday April 10 @ RAD Bar in Wollongong.
Keep an eye on Facebook for more dates.
Tell us about your latest release:
We recently released our debut single ‘Comfortable Lie’, which we recorded with the amazingly talented (and patient) Wayne Connolly. We also shot a video for it with director Tim Gibbs, another amazingly talented (also patient) individual. The song itself is about casting yourself adrift to start afresh, and has a pretty airy, dreamy feel to it.XX
Where can I get your music?
You can grab it on iTunes, stream it on Soundcloud, Spotify, rdio, or watch the video on YouTube.
Listen to ‘Stumbled Upon’ on AU Radio , Mondays at 8:30PM, Thursdays at 3PM and Sundays at 10AM (AEDT), or the playlist of past ‘Stumbled Upon’ artists on Soundcloud