Stumbled Upon #048 – Sam Wright (Townsville)

In our 48th instalment of “Stumbled Upon”, we meet the charming Sam Wright from Townsville and chat about his friends influencing his songs and his latest single, “Make It So”.

Sam Wright

Website / Social Media:
Facebook / Soundcloud / Bandcamp

Indie pop

Members & their roles:
Matt Elwin – Electric Guitar
Justin Fimmel – Drums
Daniel Panitzki – Bass
Me (Sam Wright) – Guitar/Vocals

What music or artists inspired you?
There are a lot of artists that inspire. Lately Ry Cooder, Sam Cooke and Blake Mills have been really floating my boat. Some artists that are on constant rotation are Stolen Violin, Bob Dylan, Sara Watkins, Escondido, Jackson Browne, The Middle East, Dave Rawlings Machine, Hank Williams, Paul Butterfield, The Starry Field, Gotye, Kimbra, Feist, Beyoncé and Kurt Vile.

How did you band get started?
I first started ‘properly’ making music when I was 13. I met this 11 year old dude through some family friends who played guitar and sang. I had been learning drums since I was 11 through the school, we had a jam, we throughout we sounded pretty amazing so we started an original rock band wanting to be just like Silverchair. Now I’m 24, I work full as a music producer, and still making my own music.

How would you best describe your live show:
Description of our live show… Justin looks mean, Matt smiles, Dan nods enthusiastically, I look emotional then forget my own lyrics.

What shows do you have coming up?
I have a show at ECOFEST in Townsville on the 31st of May and on the 20th of June at The Commonwealth Hotel. Something pencilled in early July on the road with King Social and some shows pencilled in with The Ocean Party in October. After Groovin’ I’m keen to line-up some more shows, a big world tour or something. Keep an eye on Facebook for more dates.

Tell us about your latest release:
My latest release is a single called “Make It So”. It’s about insecurities in a social setting… specifically about girls and interacting with them. It’s also about some friends of mine actually, one of my friends is a little special and constantly says “Make it so!” in every situation, whether it makes sense or not and my girlfriend always starts her arguments with, “YOU SAID!” So they found their way into the tune somehow. Musically, it has a bunch of layers, whistling, cowbell, shakers, clapping, twangy bendy guitars, a couple of ‘outside’ notes and some high vocal parts, it’s a fun one. I had a lot of fun making it and recording it. I think that comes through in the track.

Where can I get your music?
You can pay for it on iTunes, Bandcamp, or you can stream it for free on Spotify, or you can stream it for free on Soundcloud, or you can check it out on Triple J Unearthed. I would love it if you paid for it, though.

Listen to ‘Stumbled Upon’ on AU Radio , Mondays at 8:30PM, Thursdays at 3PM and Sundays at 10AM (AEDT), or the playlist of past ‘Stumbled Upon’ artists on Soundcloud