In our 101st installment of “Stumbled Upon”, we meet Vallee from Melbourne, and chat to bassist Brendan about their love of indie rock, getting ready to play some new shows and get a sneak peak at their latest track “Jungle”.
Band Name:
Website / Social Media:
Facebook / Bandcamp / Twitter
Indie Rock
Members & their roles:
Michael: guitar and vocals
Brendan: bass and vocals
What music or artists inspired you?
Bloc Party, The Wombats, Death Cab for Cutie, The Killers
How did the band get started?
After high school we threw a band together for a giggle.
How would you best describe your live show:
A smashing live night out for all!
What shows do you have coming up?
We will hopefully be doing a few shows to support our new EP this year! Keep an eye on Facebook for more dates.
Tell us about your latest release:
“Jungle” is a fun summery jam!
Where can I get your music?
Listen to ‘Stumbled Upon’ on AU Radio , Mondays at 8:30PM, Thursdays at 3PM and Sundays at 10AM (AEDT).