In our 108th instalment of “Stumbled Upon”, we meet Sydney’s Kvlts Of Vice, chat about moving from goth metal to rock ‘n’ roll and check out their debut EP, Death On The Delta.
Kvlts Of Vice
Website / Social Media:
Facebook / Soundcloud / Instagram
Dark Rock ‘n’ roll
Members & their roles:
Jordan Von Grae – Vocals
Odin Wolf – Guitars
CJ Horror – Bass
Stevie Stixx – Drums
What music or artists inspired you?
All of us are influenced by an array of musicians. However, we collectively agree the following are who we look to the most for inspiration are:
• Aerosmith
• Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
• Ghost
• Guns N Roses
• Pantera
How did things get started?
Three of us met when we formed our former goth-metal band back in 2013. After playing music that we felt pigeon-holed to a specific genre, we collectively decided we wanted to create music without boundaries. Soon after deciding on the new direction, we introduced Stevie, formed Kvlts Of Vice and never looked back.
How would you best describe your live show?
High energy, bluesy rock ‘n’ roll under a dark aesthetic.
What shows do you have coming up?
We are currently in the process of confirming dates for upcoming shows in Melbourne and Canberra, so follow us on Facebook as we’re soon to announce the dates and locations.
Keep an eye on Facebook for more dates.
Tell us about your latest release:
We released our debut EP Death On The Delta on January 23 and celebrated by hosting our launch party at Brighton Up Bar, Darlinghurst. The goal with this record was to include six tracks, showcasing our diversity and universal affection of music.
Despite dipping in and out of genres in each track, the EP tells a story. We’re proud to unveil an EP which houses six tracks that both stand alone in their own right and contribute to the pseudo-concept, present throughout the EP.
Where can I get your music?
Soundcloud / Bandcamp
Listen to ‘Stumbled Upon’ on AU Radio , Mondays at 8:30PM, Thursdays at 3PM and Sundays at 10AM (AEDT).
Photo: Mira Live Photography