Sydney's Chicks Who Love Guns set to play final show

Long time friends of the AU, Chicks Who Love Guns, are set to play their final show in Sydney tomorrow afternoon, following five years of fun times and great music. The band will hit the stage at 5pm at the Lord Gladstone Hotel, and will be preceded by some other great bands from Sydney you really should be listening to right now – Bachelor Pad, Winston Surfshirt and Zeahorse (set times are below). The party will then continue into the night with the band DJing and ensuring they go out with a bang. Entry is free, so get there early!

Set times and location:

* 1:00 PM DOORS
* 2:00 Bachelor Pad
* 3:00 Winston Surfshirt
* 4:00 Zeahorse
* 5:00 Chicks Who Love Guns
* 6:00-10:00 DJ’s

The Lord Gladstone Hotel
115 Regent St, Chippendale
1pm to 1pm // Free Entry

The band released a statement about their break up last month on the social medias, which you can read below:

Hey everybody, we apologise for being so quiet over the last few months – we needed to sort a few things out and I guess now we can talk about it.

It is with a mixed range of emotions (sad, nervous, relieved etc) that we announce our break up. It was a tough call, but we feel that CWLG has run it’s course and creatively, the five of us are ready to move on and try new things.

Chicks Who Love Guns has been the wildest 5 and a bit years that 5 dudes could share together and many of the experiences we’ve had along the way will stay with us for life.

We want to say thanks for all the support that’s been thrown our way throughout the course of this band, shouts to everyone who’s come to a show, gotten in touch, partied with us, put us up on their couches, bought our merch, gotten a FKN tattoo for us, helped with a video clip, written about us (good or bad – there’s been some entertaining hate too), managed to find us from some far out part of the world or even listened to one of our songs. You guys rule and we never thought we’d connect with so many amazing people. All the legends we’ve befriended over the years from all over the place, thanks for being a part of this. We owe you one.

Unfortunately, due to money/time/jobs/life we’re not gonna be hitting the road again. But for anyone in our hometown of Sydney, we will be doing one last show in a few weeks with a some of our favourite bands so please come down to that and see CWLG off ! (details v soon)

This is not the end of us creatively! You can currently catch Mody & Xavier in Deep Sea Arcade, Jack in Winston Surfshirt, Cass working on a solo project and Mitch working away with his new skate label and more music. If you wanna keep up with our movements we’re all on the gram: @modyblergh @xavdiekman @bustlip_ @cassnavarro @ih8_that_cloudz

With all that said, thanks for everything! We’ve had an absolute blast and wouldn’t trade the experiences from the last five years for anything in the world. For five best mates to be able to see and do some of the things we have has been better than any shitty record deal could have ever been!

Cass, Mody, Xavier, Mitch, Jack.

Larry Heath

Founding Editor and Publisher of the AU review. Currently based in Toronto, Canada. You can follow him on Twitter @larry_heath or on Instagram @larryheath.