the AU interview at SXSW: Mumiy Troll (Vladivostok, Russia) talks Russian music scene & Vladivostok Rocks!

the AU review sat down with Ilya Lagutenko lead vocalist/guitarist of Russian rock band Mumiy Troll while he was in town for SXSW. Lagutenko, who promised a new album within the next couple of months, explained the music scene as it pertains to Russia, saying “It’s quite a market, apparently not just for domestic, but also for international”, before specifically mentioning the Vladivostok Rocks Festival, a festival designed to showcase artists from Pacific Rim countries in Russia.

On the subject of influences and performances Lugatenko says, “When I started my first band I remember Soviet Era, which was totally different to what’s going on now. Some people like it or not, but you know, lots of changes, and I guess those changes really influence what we do in our music.”

Mumiy Troll’s first English language album, Vladivostok is available through The Village. You can follow them on Facebook here:

Larry Heath

Founding Editor and Publisher of the AU review. Currently based in Toronto, Canada. You can follow him on Twitter @larry_heath or on Instagram @larryheath.