We catch up with our good friends in Chicks Who Love Guns to talk about their music, super heroes, the new EP Moon Eater and much, much more…
If CWLG were a super hero, Avengers style crew, what would be the super powers of each member of the group and how do you think, in this alternate universe, that you decided to put down your “responsibilities as a superhero” to join together and start making music? It seems a little odd doesn’t it?
Xavier is just super committed to everything. His superpower is just being committed as fuck.
Hambo just makes Beats that are so insane that they explode peoples brains.
Mody has the ability to tune guitar no matter how inappropriate it is. Like he could tune a pedal at a funeral or something.
Mitch is the ultimate at tummysticks and has the biggest bitch bowels in the universe.
Cass is just super good at life, and can smoke cigarettes better than anyone ever.
So I think even in this alternate universe we’d be pretty well suited to rocking the fuck out avengers style.
How does it feel to be on your third EP, Moon Eater?
It feels really good. I mean we’re still shithouse, but the tracks are flowing easy and it feels fun.
How did the music come together for it – how back do some of the songs go?
This EP, like everything, is a total group effort. Everything was written by just having a Jam. Which has worked really well. It’s not always like that though. The songs are new too, which is good. I guess we’ll get sick of them less quickly….or maybe that’s a bad thing, because like the quicker we get sick of them the sooner we’ll feel compelled to put out something else. I suppose that depends on whether or not you like our band really.
So you guys have your tour on the East Coast this month until October, can we expect you guys getting involved in more erupted mosh pits with your fans?
For sure! Or maybe people will be sitting down on pillows or some shit, who knows. It’s gonna be a party no matter how people are postured.
So your first track from your new EP ‘Shin-Okubo’ is a viral smash, what inspired the track and the video?
It’s a viral smash?? The track titles and the video are all kind of an ode to three awesome weeks we spent in tokyo getting shitfaced drunk. The video was also very much the sweet brainchild of Turk lees and Lee Launay.
What could you say has changed from your first two EPs until now?
I don’t know exactly. They all just feel like a good snapshot of where we were at that particular point in time.
In February this year, US magazine Alternative Press featured you guys as a band to watch, with airplay on selected US college radio stations, what was that like and what do you hope comes of it next? Is a US trip in the cards?
That was really cool. We’re gagging to get over there. But all in good time…..and money and stuff.
What else can we expect next from CWLG?
More shows and shit! Party times! We’re keen to just keep pushing it and making stuff.
Remaining tour dates:
Thursday 27 September. Workers Club, Melbourne
Saturday 29 September. Yours & Owls, Wollongong
Thursday 4 October. Alhambra Lounge, Brisbane
Friday 5 October. Spotted Cow, Toowoomba
Interview by Irene Antoniou