the AU interview: Dereb The Ambassador (Ethiopia via Sydney)

Hailing from Ethiopia, Dereb The Ambassador has been one of the most talked about Sydney based artists in quite some time. He’s going to be playing at GoodGod Small Club next Friday night, July 1st – so we thought we’d have a brief catch up with Dereb himself in anticipation of the show…

Thanks for taking the time to talk to us today! How’s your week/weekend treating you?

Thank you for asking how I was, it has been overwhelming from the media. It feels like I need to run way from Australia because of it, like I did from Ethiopia!

Many people may not know the quite interesting story of your life thus far. Tell us about how you’ve ended up in Australia.

I met a beautiful Australian girl in Ethiopia and we came here!

What are you trying to bring to people in your music?

To feel freedom, happiness, liberation from society, to live life your way.

How would you describe the Ethiopian music scene?

I can see some changes are happening!

You use only pre-1970s equipment. Was anything hard to find?

We found all the equipment we needed at Electric Avenue Studio. It was a great studio which closed down last year. I was very lucky that we were able to record before it closed down.

Is there anything you wanted to use that you couldn’t find?

Not at all!

What was it like working with Tony Buchen?

He is a fun person to work with; we had the same mind about Ethiopian music, the same vision and passion.

Your musicians were handpicked – how did you go about finding the musicians who you perform with?

Some of us were friends for quite long time before I was doing music in Australia. They didn’t even know I was a musician! Slowly they found out I was an undercover Ethiopian pop star… I kept it a secret for a long time *laughs* Slowly we started building up the band; so far we are doing great.

There are a few covers on the album – do you throw any more into your live show?

I’m sure we can do that because you asked so!

On that note, what can we expect from the album launch on July 1st at GoodGod in Sydney?

I guess just come and have fun; in fact we are wondering what you guys are going to give us?

And finally, who are some of your favourite Sydney-based artists?

There are two amazing musicians who I like in Sydney; one is my saxophone player Matt Ottignon… he can sing, too! The other is Jon ‘JP’ Pease, one of the most perfect guitarists I have ever seen!

Questions by Lisa Dib and Larry Heath.


Don’t miss Dereb and his amazing 8 piece band:

Friday 1st July – GoodGod Small Club, Sydney
Tickets on sale NOW from

Larry Heath

Founding Editor and Publisher of the AU review. Currently based in Toronto, Canada. You can follow him on Twitter @larry_heath or on Instagram @larryheath.