From the author of Why is the Penis Shaped Like That – Jesse Bering – comes the new book PERV: The Surprising Science of Sexual Deviance. It’s a fascinating read that runs with the following concept: if a generation ago homosexuals were put on the same level as pedophiles or those who engage in bestiality (and let’s be frank: for some nutjobs, they still use such analogies), why should we not offer those who do engage in such activities the same scientific courtesy as the rest…
Though Bering – who has previously spoken on the topic as part of the Festival of Dangerous Ideas series at the Sydney Opera House – in no way argues that these behaviours should be acceptable, he draws on studies as to why these urges exist – and how, much in the way that homosexuals can’t help the way they feel, “sexual deviants” can’t either. It just comes down to who actually acts on these feelings where we have problems. It covers often difficult topics that Bering speaks on with great scientific charm and humour. It’s a highly recommended read. To find out more about the book and the man himself, I sat down with Jesse to talk about writing on such a captivating yet controversial topic:
PERV: The Surprising Science of Sexual Deviance is available on October 1st through Random House Australia. More details here: