the AU interview: Neridah Wyatt-Spratt talks us through "Dare, Danger, Destroy: a hunt onboard HMAS Vampire"

the AU review talks to Neridah Wyatt-Spratt, Programs Manager at Australian National Maritime Museum, about their National Science Week activities, including “Dare, Danger, Destroy: a hunt onboard HMAS Vampire”, a unique after-hours event on the HMAS Vampire on Thursday 28 August from 6.00pm.

Players will explore the ship finding clues, while completing tasks on their iPhones. A live stream of players’ images will then be displayed in the pop up bar with DJ Stuart Ridley which will keep the entertainment going later into the night! The event is FREE and 18+. Neridah fills us in on all the details…

More details available at:

Larry Heath

Founding Editor and Publisher of the AU review. Currently based in Toronto, Canada. You can follow him on Twitter @larry_heath or on Instagram @larryheath.