the AU interview: Noxshi (UK)


In town from the UK to support Yusef Islam (Cat Stevens) on his long awaited Australian tour, and featuring Yusef’s son Yoriyos Adamos, is the band Noxshi. While in town, we had a brief chat to the band about their upcoming debut album and the Australian tour!

Hey guys, welcome to Australia! How has it been treating you so far?

This is the first time for all the band in Australia and we are
overwhelmed by the positive attitudes we are encountering. There is
also so much space here both in the physical sense but also cerebral
space in which the mind can wander.

Your music is quite different to Yusufs – does your live show in
this context change at all from what we might see at your own show?

Yusuf suggested that we inject some blues into our set for his shows.
This was great as it allowed us to explore our passion for late 60s
British Blues Rock such as Cream, Peter Green’s Fleetwood Mac etc.. In
our own shows we exorcise a more progressive, wild alternative, heavy

And along the same lines, how have audiences seemed to react to your music while on the support circuit?

Support acts have a great job because they help fill up what can be a
frustratingly long wait for the main event. We work hard to set a
certain type of mood and conjure an energy that will give the audience
an awesome experience for the whole night.

I’d like to move back to the beginning now and ask how the band formed?

Yoriyos was looking for live band members after the release of his solo
album ‘Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee’ (2007). Hallam (guitar)
successfully auditioned and as a deep friendship was born they began to
look for imaginative and talented musicians that could help them
realise their visions. Alexander Gabay (bass) from Sweden had been
recommended on account of his unorthodox, creative approach. Ben Steer
is a childhood friend of Hallam and was brought in to play keys and
provide atmospheric space sounds. When it came time to find a new
drummer Alex forwarded another Swede Erik Fastern whose energy and
spirit has taken the project to a new level.

You’ve been together for a couple of years now, and gone through
some member changes – how has your sound evolved over those years into what
we hear today?

We did two EPs which chart the progression of the band’s sound,
however, we’re pretty fluid with our approach to the band’s sound which
is why you will find that the debut album ‘The Way They Lush’ covers a
massive amount of musical territory.

Would 2008 Noxshi be at all surprised by the way 2010 Noxshi sounds?

Not so much surprised as we always intended to give our imaginations
free reign over our sound. More so proud that we have not compromised
our beliefs in expression and learning.

Your bio says “Noxshi conjure thoughts of Zappa, Nirvana and Hendrix” – is that who you collectively grew up listening to?

All of the band members come from different musical places but the
names mentioned unite us as do our open minded approaches to each
other’s influences and backgrounds.

Where else do you find inspiration for your music?

Inspiration comes from the all permeating force of the Universe.

Your debut album “The Way They Lush” is due out officially later
this year, I’m first curious about the title – how did it come about?

It was a line in a song that never got used. Lush is a poetic device
that may trigger thoughts such as the feminine involuntary intimate.

Looking at the names attached to the album, I note David Tickle mixed the album and Howie Weinberg mastered it. These are two of the biggest names in their respective fields – what was it like recording the album with them?

It was a delight to make the record we wanted to make with the support of people who know how to get the job done.

Did you work closely with them or let them do their thing?

We were very much involved in every part of the creation and production
of the record. We take direction very well when it come from experience
and understanding but are very clear on our ideas of what music is

I imagine it was quite the learning experience, having them work
with you on the album – and just putting a debut record together in
What can you take away from the process – what have you learnt?

We are all about learning in all aspects of our beings. The album has
confirmed to us the importance of trusting our own instincts.

And the most important question is, of course, are you pleased with the end result?

The album is vast and ambitious. I am very proud to say that we have
produced a great piece. Like a complex meal, if you rush it it may turn
your stomach but if you give it time and respect it will reward you
with all sorts of wonderful nutrition. 

And finally, what will the rest of 2010 hold for Noxshi?

You can be assured that Noxshi will drive forwards along their own path no matter what obstacles the industry throws in our way!

Thanks very much guys! We look forward to catching you in Sydney!

June 18th – Rod Laver Arena w Yusuf Islam
June 19th – Ding Dong Lounge Melb (sideshow)
June 21st – Sydney Entertainment Centre w Yusuf Islam
June 23rd – Sydney Entertainment Centre w Yusuf Islam
June 24th – The Annandale Hotel Sydney w Dallas Crane (early sideshow)
and HOT DAMN @ Spectrum (late sideshow)
June 26th – Brisbane Entertainment Centre w Yusuf Islam
and THRILLER @ Rosie’s Tavern Brisbane

Larry Heath

Founding Editor and Publisher of the AU review. Currently based in Toronto, Canada. You can follow him on Twitter @larry_heath or on Instagram @larryheath.