the AU interview: Parades (Sydney)


2010 was a big year for Sydney four piece Parades, with their debut LP Foreign Tapes receiving accolades of praise amongst the independent music press. The AU Review had a chat to the band about the past, present and their future plans.

How did you guys meet and start playing together?

We all went to school together, studied music and what not. We’ve been playing music together since we were 13.

Who are your biggest musical influences?

I guess at the time of the first album we were into post-rock-y type stuff. Things like Sigur Ros, Efterklang and early Pivot. I think though now, we all have really different tastes from one another, so we all bring different influences to the table.

Your debut record Foreign Tapes was released last year to critical acclaim. How have things changed for the band since Foreign Tapes?

I guess the biggest change would be that we’ve been lucky enough to support bands and play at ‘bigger’ venues. Other than that, things are still pretty much the same.

I saw you guys open for Klaxons in 2010 in Melbourne. How was the tour and how do you guys prepare for your live shows?

It was pretty cool. One my favorite venues in Sydney is the Enmore Theatre, so getting the chance to play there was ridiculous. We had never played at a venue that big before, we were pretty happy. As for preparation, we just rehearse our set maybe three times or four times. That’s pretty much it.

How’s the new album coming along?

It would be great for it to come along faster, but we don’t really want to release something that is going to suck. We’ve written a heap of stuff but I think we’d like to push ourselves a bit more and see where we end up. We have a bunch of ideas, but executing them is the hard part.

Your new single Water Stories sounds as though its headed in a different direction than your previous releases. How has the single been received by the fans and what are you guys doing differently for the writing and recording of album number 2?

I think it’s been added to jjj, which is cool because a lot more people outside of Sydney (thanks fbi) will actually hear it. The new album, we’re trying to aim for a more cohesive sound and direction. With the first album, we didn’t really think too much about how we wanted it to sound, we more or less made a bunch of songs.

You’re undertaking a national tour next month, what are the worst and best things about life on the road?

Best things this tour will be watching heaps of Breaking Bad and finishing my book. The worst part will be the driving. We seriously need a van or a trailer or something. 10+ hours in a car with heaps of gear sucks.

Have you had much touring experience outside of Australia?

Nar, we haven’t played outside of Australia. Anyone willing to get us overseas please don’t hesitate to contact.

What’s the best live band you’ve seen lately?

Femi Cuti at the Metro a few months ago.

What’s the last record you brought?

Ghoul – Dunks.

Catch Parades playing Friday 8th April at Purple Sneakers presents: Last Night @ The Gaelic, Sydney. Supported by Little Scout.