the AU interview: Pigeon John (California, USA)

Hello Pigeon John! We can’t wait to see you down here in Oz! This isn’t your first tour is it?

No i first came here in 2004 opening up for Ugly Duckling on their Meat Shake Tour. Then opening up for Lyrics Born in 2007 i believe, then in 2008 on the Good Vibrations tour in 2008. But this is my first headlining tour in OZZY! yes!

What can Aussie crowds expect from the shows?

Nudity and straight uP HIP HOP! Nah, Davey Rockit will be on the wheels of steel and myself on the Mic. We’re gonna have fun and steer stuff up. I love doing shows and Dragon Slayer is gonna pound!

Of course you’ve just released the video for “The Bomb” – can you tell us a bit about making that video? What did the process involve?

I met the director years ago doing Grouch and Eligh’s “All In” asnd i knew i wanted to work with him. So i flew him to LA and we shot it in two hours on green screen. He took it back to Denver CO where he lives and made it pop. It was a quick fun littlew slick video. I knew i wanted a visually popping video and it was my first time working with greenscreen, it was dope to shoot.

Dragon Slayer, your highly anticipated new album, has also been released – how did the recording process compare to earlier albums?

With the new album i knew i wanted to write all the songs alone with no outside writers and i wanted to work with Herve Salters as a traditional producer. Ive done the hip hop working with RJD2 and DJ Rhettmatic and many others but i wanted my own sound that you could only get on Dragon Slayer. I wrote it for better or for worst with no remorse. I didnt care if it sold or not because i sell drugs and make money that way. I was big fan of De La Souls earlier album working with Price Paul as the sole producer and with Dragon Slayer its my first record working with just one producer. I think i gave the record a central them which i liked!

How do you feel it compares lyrically to your earlier material?

I think i didnt care in a good way with this record… so there was no competition allowed, i wrote it as a kid all alone having fun in his bedroom studio. I turned off the tv and radio and got born on this record. Lryically it was first thought best thought. Have fun and embaress yourself. I became vuneralble and open, i wasnt trying to be the best mc, because id already done that. Straight ahead hip hop was boring to me so i wanted to hear something new, so i did it.

How has the hip-hop scene in Cali evolved since it’s association with gangster rap? Do you feel that Cali is incorrectly associated with gangster rap rather than conscious and positive rap, even though you have prominent west-coast rappers such as yourself and the pharcyde?

I think its always been the same. Theres always been gangs and hippies in LA and i think LA hip hop is the most diverse in America. I dont dont fill its been off balanced at all. Its still the wild wild west. Biggie and Pac both got shot out here and at the same time its the home of The Doors. LA has always been two wolrds in one.

Speaking of positive rap, have you had a chance to watch any of the whole Common v Fox News ridiculousness? Any thoughts?

No i havent at all whats happening? Common is the most postive rapper alive, almost too postive. I miss when he talked of 40 ounces and God. Anyway stall the big homie out!!!!!!

From your younger days do you feel it was harder to break into the hip hop scene as compared to today when there is an over-saturation of aspiring rappers? How do you feel this large supply of rappers affects the scene in general?

Im very glad i got into the scene when i did. I think its easier to release music but harder for the music to be heard today. Im from the school of touring and showing your music rather than telling about it with all the buzz and stuff. Its easier to break in but harder to break out… and there or no short cuts, you still have to tour nonstop in order to build your base. i dont think kids really know that. You cant bootleg a concert but you can bootleg everything else.

Take us through a regular day in the life of Pigeon John…

Shower, coffee, feed my fighting fish Mr Ruffy, put on clothes, 10 push ups, take off clothes, make a beat, record something, talk to a girl and try to woo them over for dinner, watch a movie, put on clothes, got out, get smashingly drunk alone, get in fight, end up in the drunk tank, take off clothes, get released, walk home, put on clothes, sleep, then do it again.

Do you think that hip-hop (especially underground and conscious hip-hop) still has a long way to go in terms of being accepted and understood properly?

No way man. Did punk rock care if it was understood or received? I say stop caring what anyone says about music and rock it!

Friday 20th May – Tone, Sydney
Saturday 21st May – East Brunswick Club, Melbourne
Sunday 22nd May – X and Y Bar, Brisbane

Thank you to Chris Singh for his contribution to this article

Larry Heath

Founding Editor and Publisher of the AU review. Currently based in Toronto, Canada. You can follow him on Twitter @larry_heath or on Instagram @larryheath.