Sydney’s newest live music night is Wednesdays at Ruby Rabbit on Oxford Street, in which a local up-and-coming band is given the rare opportunity to headline, with guest DJs and performance artists rounding the rest of the night off. And in the second week of their new event, Ruby Rabbit welcomed to the stage Sydney’s Rock three-piece, The Ripping Dylans.
The easiest comparison to make with these guys is Kings of Leon… they are definitely trying to pull off a similar sound, and the lead singer even goes so far as to dress the same as Caleb (hell, even their hair styles are matching)! But you know what? I think they pull it off, completely creating their own, catchy sound. And unlike Caleb, the Dylan’s lead singer actually puts quite a lot of energy into his performance, coming into the crowd, crawling on the floor, and doing much of what makes the rock end of the Sydney live scene so much fun these days.
If you ever have a chance to see these guys, I do recommend it… I’m sure they’ll be on the supporting bill for a band you love sometime soon. Their songs are catchy, their energy is electrifying and while you certainly couldn’t go so far as to say they are a ‘breath of fresh air,’ they are definitely one of the better Sydney bands I’ve seen in a while… especially in a climate which is becoming obsessed with the 2 piece electronic acts (I note I write this listening to MGMT, so I must admit I’m probably no exception).
As for the rest of the Ruby Rabbit night itself, the DJs were fantastic, mixing it up with bands like Billy Joel and Bob Dylan and the Beach Boys early in the night, and launching into the Presets, The Ting Tings and the like later in the night – surely a barrage of music to please any nightclub goer!
Next Wednesday you’re on Oxford Street be sure to pop in for a visit, I believe the Wahas are playing next week and the ridiculously good Dolly Rocker Movement are the week after. I emphasise the ridiculously good bit.