“Battles” is the first new single from Johannesburg-based band Academie in two years and is a delicate dance between darkness and soft-pop. The track opens with bold and charging synth chords that feel like they are ripped from the gritty and suspenseful opening shots of a fight scene in an ’80s film. These synths continue for most of the track but are soon paired with a guitar and percussion line that swaggers and flows with the alluring vocals of Jean-Louise. “Load the gun/bang of drums/Praise the sun/Battles won,” she sings in a dream-like soundscape.
Academie is the duo of Jean-Louise and Alex Parker and the two are set to release their second EP later this year, the follow-up to 2016’s Volumes. Jean-Louise says “Battles” comes “from observing the never-ending mud-slinging between people with two different points of view, with neither actually listening to what the other is saying.” Whilst the new EP is currently untitled, the band has announced the next single to appear from it will be called “Eyes”.