Not only has Ayla released her debut single “Wish I Was” at 18 years old, she has already produced two EP’s and other standout tracks in her career. Her latest single “Go Slow” is co-written and produced by Peking Duk’s Reuben Styles. The single brings a colourful electronic-indie-pop rhythm with zestful beats. The essence of the track deals with the message overcoming challenging situations and becoming stronger on the other side.
“‘Go Slow’ is definitely the first taste of a new era. It’s the first of the collaboration tracks that I’ll be releasing, and showcases how the forthcoming tracks will be a blend of styles between the collaborators and my own. There is a bit of variety between the tracks to come, but this track felt like the right first step to make in that it is a fairly bold step away from my previous releases.
Reuben had the initial track idea that he sent through for me to topline, and then we developed the track further around that. The first verse came about when a friend of mine was sick, but she didn’t want to get it checked out or to find out what it was. I guess the track is about being told something difficult, and how to deal with that; whether to run and where to hide – literally and metaphorically – and how/if you can work through it.”
“Go Slow” is out now. You can keep up to date with Ayla through Instagram and Facebook.