“Voices In My Head” is the debut single from Ex-Olympian, the new musical vessel for Melbourne’s Liam McGorry. If you recognise that name, it’s because he’s the principal songwriter and musician for a host of bands, including Saskwatch and Dorsal Fins. But, with both projects officially on hiatus, Ex-Olympian will be his main focus going forward.
The single is a wonderful introduction to the world of “Dream Funk”, as Northside Records’ Chris Gill is dubbing Ex-Olympian’s sound. There’s a real focus on melody and lush arrangements, with “Voices In My Head” boasting a cello and violin alongside piano, drums and trumpet in the mix. It also happens to be McGorry’s vocal debut too.
“Voices In My Head” is described as a cinematic, skittish song about scrambling to reconcile the many voices of today’s world in your head. All of which comes across strongly in the single and the accompanying music video.
“Voices In My Head” has been a long time coming, with recording having taken place back in 2017, but it sure seems to have been worth the wait. With the promise of more music on the way soon, we shouldn’t really complain.
“Voices In My Head” is available now. Order the limited edition 7″ single HERE.
Keep up to date with Ex-Olympian via Facebook and Instagram.