Track of the Day: Georgia Mae “Soul Like This” (2020)

Australian singer-songwriter Georgia Mae has skyrocketed with success this year and has released her latest track “Soul Like This” with Lemon Tree Records/Sony Music Entertainment Australia.

“Soul Like This” is a graceful tune with an entanglement of acoustics and stunning emotive vocals from Mae. The track tells a powerful message of loving and finding yourself first before you love another person. Georgia Mae further explains the inspiration behind the song:

“It’s a bold one…I feel a bit naked putting it out into the world but I wouldn’t want it any other way. After a string a bad relationship choices, it felt time to do some much needed introspection… ‘Soul Like This’ is a testament to finding yourself, just as much as it is to finding your ‘soulmate’.”

Mae uses memories to create music that is meaningful and a true testament to her own life experiences.

“Musically, I let my gut instincts kick in and take over…playing guitar on my bed is something I’ve done almost every day since I was about 10 years old, so I wanted the song to capture that sort of authentic intimate experience, while also developing into something larger than life to represent how far I’ve come, personally. The instrumentation feels very pure to me right now…it’s comforting, especially during such universally unsettling times. Above all, it just feels really good to sing from the heart again.”

“Soul Like This” is out now.  Keep up to date with Georgia Mae via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Danica Sharma

Writer for the AU Review, a lover of books, poetry, good food, travel and adventure. Follow her personal instagram @danicaarasharma or her poetry instagram @danicasharmawrites