Track of the Day: Tame Impala “It Might Be Time” (2019)

Tame Impala continue to crawl towards next year’s The Slow Rush with the release of new single “It Might Be Time”, following previous heavy-hitter “Borderline” with a jaunty psych-rock trip that tracks the inevitable passing of time.

Highly ornate, with distorted effects and an obvious love of violently clashing psychedelic rock with art-pop, “It Might Be Time” is yet another way for Tame Impala to filter their eccentricities into strengths. Ringleader Kevin Parker slides over the beat with self-assuredness, tackling the uncomfortable topic of aging with grace and his trademark otherworldly wails.

Listen to the track below, you’re going to be hearing a lot of it as the wait for the band’s fourth studio album, The Slow Rush, continues until next February.

Chris Singh

Chris Singh is an Editor-At-Large at the AU review, loves writing about travel and hospitality, and is partial to a perfectly textured octopus. You can reach him on Instagram: @chrisdsingh.