Tasmanian Comedy Series Rosehaven Starts Production

Production of ABC comedy series Rosehaven has begun in Tasmania. The creators and stars of the show are well-known Tasmanian comedians Luke McGregor (Luke Warm Sex, Utopia) and Celia Pacquola (Utopia,The Beautiful Lie). Tasmanians also feature prominently among the cast, which includes Tasmanian-based Kris McQuade, Anthony Morgan, Katie Robertson, and Noela Foxcroft, alongside mainlanders David Quirk…

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ABC and Screen Australia announce $1.5m digital initiative for scripted content

Both ABC and Screen Australia have announced that they will be joining forces to create Long Story Short, a national, digital-first scripted series initiative in developing that will oversee the production of five major projects. These projects will premiere on ABC iview and will see creative teams sharing great ideas for scripted projects across the contemporary drama, narrative…

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ABC’s iView comes to Apple TV

Australia’s most popular video on demand service is now available to owners of 4th generation Apple TVs. According to ABC Head of TV Strategy and Digital Products, Rebecca Heap, “we’ve had strong audience demand for iview on the new Apple TV and have built an experience that makes it easier than ever to explore and watch the ABC’s…

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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. gets locked in for a fourth season

Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. fans will be relieved to hear that the series has been renewed for another year. Despite the series’ rocky reception both in the States and abroad, it’s made some significant contributions to the greater Marvel Cinematic Universe – from introducing the superpowered Inhumans to continuing the fight against terrorist organization Hydra started in Captain…

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ABC2 & Triple J dedicate a week of programming to bodies of all shapes & sizes with Naked As

Following the success of 2HIGH and 2SEXY, ABC2 in collaboration with Triple J, will dedicate a week of programming to undressing our nation’s obsession with the way we look. Naked As will look at bodies in all their shapes and sizes from Sunday March 13 – Saturday March 19. Drawing on factual programming from Australia…

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ABC and Screen NSW coming together for 360 Vision VR-initiative

ABC and Screen NSW are set to team up to produce Australia’s first Virtual Reality development initiative. 360 Vision begins with an intensive one-day invitation-only lab at Carriageworks, the venue partner, to be held during Vivid Sydney in June. The lab will bring together screen content creators to experience the latest Virtual Reality content and technology….

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ABC binges on Luke Warm Sex, starting March 16th

ABC’s March line-up is about to get that little bit less conservative (and more sex-positive) with the premiere of six-part series Luke Warm Sex. The docu-comedy series sees comedian and actor Luke McGregor undertake a crash course in better sex with the help of sexperts, therapists, scientists, tantric practitioners and sexual empowerment coaches. From the looks for…

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ABC’s unveils arts-focused Tuesday evenings

Tuesday nights in March are set to see the ABC debut two new arts-focused series – Creatives and Meet The Mavericks – alongside the return of  Jennifer Byrne’s The Book Club. Creatives is a biographical series about four highly talented Australian artists from the fields of theatre, music, art and dance, including Kev Carmody, Michelle…

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Five original South Australian film projects to be funded through iView

With a joint half a million dollar investment,  the South Australian Film Corporation and ABC TV have funded five South Australian projects. The projects are all now moving forward with each to produce their own series of six 5 minute episodes to premiere exclusively on ABC iview later in the year. The selected projects will…

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TV Review: DAFUQ? (Australia, 2016) coming to a laptop near you February 15th

Perhaps one of ABC’s cheekiest web series yet will be launched on iView next week. In a time of Abbotts and Turnbulls squabbling for that prized coffee mug that says World’s Best Prime Minister and in most circumstances failing, and a time of turmoil and unrest all over the globe a show like DAFUQ? can…

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US streaming platform Seeso taking ABC’s Soul Mates global

ABC is partnering with US streaming platform Seeso to take the second series of Soul Mates global. Shooting has just begun on the second series of the show and ABC’s Head of Comedy, Rick Kalowski says: “It’s a thrill for ABC to be among  SeeSo’s first international partners, especially on Soul Mates, which showcases some…

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You can now stream ABC live on iView

Iconic and constantly relevant channel ABC are now making their services available for live streaming on iview, tapping into the demand for better, more convenient access to their programs by computer, smartphone, and tablet users. Programs shown in the live stream will reflect ABC’s Sydney schedule with plans already underway to extend live streaming on…

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TV Review: Doctor Who Season 9 Episode 6 “The Woman Who Lived” (UK, 2015)

Another week; another shitty monster. This week marks the third conclusion to Doctor Who’s consecutive two-parter trend, and just like the others, reiterates that it seems that the show may have lost its spark. Last week, we were left with a huge cliffhanger in “The Girl Who Died”; the Doctor left Ashildr (Maisie Williams) immortal, which, through cause and…

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DVD Review: Utopia Season Two (Australia, 2015)

A lot of people want to live in Utopia but not many would want to work there. Or at least the “Utopia” that’s depicted in the eponymous TV show by the Working Dog production team. The series is a comedy one that feels so real it could have been a documentary if it wasn’t so…

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ABC TV paranormal drama series Glitch to get a second season

When the first season of the ABC’s paranormal drama Glitch ended on a cliffhanger back in August, fans were left wondering if they’d get the opportunity to get all their burning questions resolved in the form of a second season. Today the ABC announced that they had green lit the series for a return, with…

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TV Review: Doctor Who Season 9 Episode 4 “Before The Flood” (UK, 2015)

“Before The Flood”, the fourth episode of season 9, opened with something that I haven’t quite seen in Doctor Who before – the Doctor talking directly to the audience, breaking the fourth wall. The entire first sequence consisted of Peter Capaldi explaining the Bootstrap Paradox. It was fun, unpredictable, and really got you thinking; if a time traveler goes…

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TV Review: Doctor Who Season 9 Episode 3 “Under The Lake” (UK, 2015)

There are some formulas that, despite it’s fifty-something year reign, Doctor Who can’t seem to shake. The premise for “Under The Lake” is one that we’ve seen time and time again – The Doctor exploring the mystery of a derelict and isolated facility (see “The Impossible Planet” and “Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead”). Yet, despite its repetitive…

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Season 4 of ABC TV’s Rake enters production

Fans of Rake would be happy to know that ABC’s crime drama is back in production for their 4th season. Co-creator and producer Richard Roxburgh will be reprising his award-winning role as  Cleaver Greene, the self-destructive, rouge Sydney barrister with questionable morals. Joining show regulars John Waters and Rachael Blake for then ew season will be acclaimed British actress Miriam…

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TV Review: Doctor Who Season 9 Episode 2 “The Witch’s Familiar” (UK, 2015)

After last weeks huge season opener, “The Witch’s Familiar” had a lot to answer for – we needed to know what the Doctor decided to do regarding boy Davros, how Missy and Clara would come back from the dead (because they have to), and what would come of Skaro – the planet of the Daleks…

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TV Review: Doctor Who Season 9 Episode 1 “The Magician’s Apprentice” (UK, 2015)

It seems that the Doctor Who Gods read my article on the things I really want to happen this season, gifting me with more Missy, a two-parter, a dark tone, and the mother of all nods to past seasons – bringing into question something that the Fourth Doctor said many moons ago – who created Davros?

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Seven Things I want to see happen in Season 9 of Doctor Who

Doctor Who returns to our TV screens this Sunday, and we’re a little bit excited about it. Few more so than our writer Ally Koster, who will be our resident Doctor Who writer for this season. As she gets excited for the new season, she’s put together seven things she wants to see happen in…

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The new season of Doctor Who fast-tracked to ABC iView this weekend!

The much anticipated new series of Doctor Who will be fast-tracked to ABC iView once again this year, with ABC confirming the first episode of the Ninth series will premiere on Sunday, September 20 at 5.30am AEST on ABC iview.

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Good Game Live returns to Sydney in September

The hosts of ABC2’s wildly popular video games review program Good Game are once again putting their collective wits to the test in front of a live audience. The live quiz show features personalities from the show, interactive trivia and many IRL lols.

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When Attenborough Met Obama to air on ABC’s Foreign Correspondent on June 30th

President Barack Obama interviews Sir David Attenborough at the White House in an extraordinary program, which will screen as a special Foreign Correspondent on Tuesday June 30 at 8pm on ABC.

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Australian Rock and Roll explored in new ABC documentary Blood and Thunder: The Sound of Alberts.

Australia’s rock and roll history will be explored in the upcoming two part documentary, Blood and Thunder: The Sound of Alberts. The documentary surrounds the Australian rock and roll industry in the 1960s and 70s, and the two families that dominated the rock scene: the Alberts and the Youngs. Part one, Blood, explores music producer…

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ABC mini-series The Secret River to be released on DVD.

The 2 part mini-series adaptation of Kate Greenville’s multi-award winning novel The Secret River will be released on DVD on June 24. This epic tragedy dramatises the British colonisation of Australia in microcosm, with the dispossession of Indigenous Australians made comprehensible and ultimately heart-breaking as Will Thornhill’s claim over a piece of land he titles ‘Thornhill’s Point’….

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Julia Zemiro’s Home Delivery is heading back on the road.

Aussie comedian Julia Zemiro has packed her bags and headed back out on the road for another round of her popular series Julia Zemiro’s Home Delivery, which returns to our screens this Wednesday on ABC1 at 9pm. If you’re new to the series, it features Zemiro as she visits leading figures from the world of…

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Lawrence Mooney talks celebrity gossip ahead of Season 3 of Dirty Laundry Live on ABC

Dirty Laundry Live is part panel game show, part celebrity tabloid gossip discussion. Lawrence Mooney is the host with his partner in crime Brooke Satchwell and has rotating special guests, to help discuss who did what to whom and test their knowledge of the week’s click-bait news and rumour mill. Returning for its third season…

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Shooting Starts for Season 3 of Josh Thomas’ Please Like Me

Shooting is underway in Melbourne for the third season of Please Like Me, an international television comedy success created by Josh Thomas. Comedian Thomas wears multiple hats for the series, as creator, writer, and star, and will be making his directorial debut in an episode for the upcoming season. Thomas reveals, “This time around I’m…

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Glass Animals to Guest Host Rage

Hailing from the UK, The Glass Animals have already made a name for themselves in Oz and now the boys from Oxford are about to guest host Rage. Drawing inspiration from Electronica & Hip-Hop, The Glass Animals made waves down under last year with their debut album Zaba and subsequent tour. They managed to shoot…

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