Ainsley Melham


Theatre Review: Pippin is the weird and wonderful musical for our times at Sydney’s Lyric Theatre

Pippin is the first major musical to return to Sydney theatres, with distancing restrictions easing just before the show’s opening. The show’s offering of colour and magic are perfect medicine for our current climate. But, on another hand, its somewhat confusing premise and over-reliance on smoke and mirrors are yet another symptom of them. This…

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One Jump Ahead – Aladdin’s Ainsley Melham on playing the lead role at Capitol Theatre

Newcomer into the theatre world Ainsley Melham has had a whirlwind time in theatre lately. After staring in Hayes Theatre Co’s production of Xanadu, he grabs the Aladdin lead role currently playing at Sydney’s Capitol Theatre. Ainsley was kind enough to answer a few questions for us after we had chats with both Genie, Michael James Scott and Jasmine, who…

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