Altered Carbon

Altered Carbon

Netflix Review: How does Altered Carbon Season 2 compare to the first?

Back in February 2018 Netflix launched the streaming series adaptation of Richard K Morgan’s novel of the same name, Altered Carbon. We called it a nuanced and detailed Blade Runner for the small screen. The series sees humanity’s evolution into a digitised age, where memories and human consciousness can be backed up onto a digital…

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Interview: Dichen Lachman talks Altered Carbon, its badass women, deep themes and diversity onscreen

Netflix has been leading the charge with many new tv series and films rolling off its production line and onto its streaming service for audiences. One of its most ambitious and expensive efforts Altered Carbon has been receiving rave reviews since its release on 2nd February. The series, an adaptation of the Phillip K. Morgan…

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TV Review: Altered Carbon is a nuanced and detailed Blade Runner for the small screen

In 1982 the film Blade Runner by Ridley Scott brought to audiences a new genre of movies – the neo-noir science fiction thriller that paved the way for many to follow its style. In 2017 the sequel Blade Runner 2049 by Denis Villeneuve was heralded a successful return to that, bringing a blend of a…

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