Amaya Laucirica

Alex The Astronaut, Client Liaison, Didirri & more for Primavera Pro 2018

The annual Primavera festival is fast approaching, with this year’s festival held from May 30th through to June 3rd in Barcelona. Thanks to a number of collaborations between Primavera Pro, Primavera Sound and  numerous national offices, this year’s Primavera festival features the likes of Australia, Chile, South Africa and the Balearic Islands, totalling up to…

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Album Review: Amaya Laucirica – Early Summer (2010 LP)

Having already released her country-folk sounding debut album Sugar Lights and supporting both Magic Dirt and Mark Lanegan (of Screaming Trees) on recent tours, Amaya Laucirica has definitely come in to her own, and has developed a sound that is unique unto itself with her latest release, Early Summer. The album begins delicately with “Most…

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