I haven’t flown American Airlines since before the pandemic, but recently I had the chance to jump on their regional “American Eagle” service between DC and Toronto. So what is their in flight offering now? And what Covid-19 precautions remain in place? Here’s a look at the experience on that service. Flight Number: AA 5667…
Read moreIf you’re looking for a way to get to the USA for free, tour operators Topdeck – who target travellers aged 18 to 39 – have partnered with American Airlines to provide free flights to the USA for any Australians who book a Topdeck trip of 16 days or more. There are 11 Topdeck trips…
Read moreJust in time for Christmas, Qantas and American Airlines have paired up for two new direct services between Australian and the USA. The new Qantas Flight 73 from Sydney direct to San Francisco departed for the first time this weekend, with the route’s first passengers celebrating with a figure eight flyover the iconic Golden Gate…
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