Amy Nancarrow

Why Change is Necessary in the Game of Thrones

With George RR Martin’s books being enormous, detail heavy, and just generally taking a long time to be published, it was inevitable that eventually the television adaptation would catch up to the books at some point. Also, with so many characters, some had to be cut, changed, or amalgamated (as is the case with Joe…

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TV Review: The Mindy Project, Season 3 Episode 21 “Best Man” (USA, 2015)

Will we or won’t we? The Mindy Project’s fourth season has yet to be given the go ahead by US network Fox, but here’s hoping that we’ll see Mindy again – if for no other reason than I want to finally meet Mindy’s parents! I find it a little hard to believe that Danny’s never met Mindy’s…

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TV Review: Girls, Season 4 Episode 10 “Home Birth” (USA, 2015)

In my review for the first Girls episode of this season, I said that if the rest of the season was as good as that episode and back in the realm of season one form, that I would eat my words and stop hating on Lena Dunham’s show. Here we are, nine episodes later, and here I…

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TV Reviews: The Mindy Project, Season 3 Episode 20 “What To Expect When You’re Expanding” (USA, 2015)

In the penultimate episode of this season, Mindy finally faced something that she hasn’t faced since, arguably, way back in season one: a complete and total loss of confidence. She’s definitely pregnant, and starting to show, and her confidence has completely been drained by the fact that she no longer fits into her pre-pregnancy clothing. This episode has…

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TV Review: Girls, Season 4 Episode 9 “Daddy Issues” (USA, 2015)

It’s not about her. At least, that’s the mantra that Hannah’s repeating to anyone and everyone about the recent revelation that her father has come out as a proud gay man. Tad (guest star Peter Scolari) is spending time in New York to see Hannah, and also to learn from his new Obi-Wan: Elijah. Elijah takes Tad out…

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TV Review: The Mindy Project, Season 3 Episode 19 “Confessions of a Catho-holic” (USA, 2015)

Stephen. Freaking. Colbert. With new beard! Playing a priest! He was easily, without a doubt, the best thing about this episode, and his guest spot has got to be one of the best of the whole season. Mostly because of how funny he is, but also because he’s STEPHEN COLBERT. Here he plays Father Michael O’Donnell who,…

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TV Review: Girls, Season 4 Episode 8 “Tad & Loreen & Avi & Shanaz” (USA, 2015)

Remember, way back when Hannah was in Iowa, and her father came to visit her acting very, very strange? As it turns out, he was struggling with something of a conundrum – he was trying to figure out if he was gay. Now Tad knows, Loreen knows, and Hannah definitely knows. It really was too good to…

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TV Review: The Mindy Project Season 3 Episode 18 “Fertility Bites” (USA, 2015)

Mindy is, professionally, breaking out on her own. Her fertility clinic is up and running and all she needs now are the patients. Unfortunately for her, no one wants to go to a clinic that doesn’t have an established client base and excellent track record. The staff of Shulman and Associates are trying to help her by…

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TV Review: The Mindy Project Season 3 Episode 17 “Danny Castellano is my Nutritionist” (USA, 2015)

Just like Danny and Mindy’s relationship opened the show up to a whole new avenue of humour, Mindy’s pregnancy is doing exactly the same thing. Mindy is definitely pregnant (I keep waiting for the writers to say “PSYCH!” and make it all one big fever dream), and she’s suffering from very bad morning sickness, having…

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TV Review: Girls Season 4, Episode 6 “Close Up” (USA, 2015)

It’s evident from the first scene in “Close Up” that Adam hasn’t been with someone like Mimi-Rose Howard before. He cooks her brunch in her expansive loft apartment, tucking her in as she sleeps that little bit longer than him. She’s successful, self-assured, independent and not needy in the slightest – in short, Mimi-Rose is the complete opposite…

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