Angels and Airwaves

angels and airwaves the dream walker album art

Album Review: Angels and Airwaves – The Dream Walker (2014 LP)

Angels and Airwaves are not your usual band. They are an art project; a multimedia amalgamation who have delivered a brilliant fifth studio album in The Dream Walker. On it, Tom DeLonge (also vocalist of Blink-182) and Ilan Rubin (of Nine Inch Nails) have further explored the dimensions of their own collaborative capabilities, reaching out to different audiences through the themes that circulate…

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angels and airwaves

Tom DeLonge of Angels and Airwaves (USA) speaks about The Dream Walker“, aliens and the brain

With the recent release of their fifth studio album, The Dream Walker, Angels and Airwaves have left fans in awe with music that has encouraged to explore the infinite boundaries of the universe. In the past, many have criticised Tom DeLonge’s “nonsense” in believing aliens but for a person that clearly knows his shit, who could blame him? He is,…

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Strange New Planet: Fantastic Planet Film Festival 2012

Furlong in Below Zero Fans of Science Fiction are a unique breed; they are a loyal, open-minded and adventurous lot who do not discriminate against the independent, low budget or unknown when they search for new and special examples of the genre. Science Fiction, Horror and Fantasy films have continuously prevailed as the biggest blockbusters…

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