Anton Corbijn

SXSW Film Festival Review: Show Me The Picture: The Story of Jim Marshall (USA, 2019) is a celebration of the infamous photographer’s rock & roll circus

Imagine the photo shoot for Bob Dylan’s Freewheelin’ or concerts like: Woodstock, Johnny Cash’s gigs at Folsom and San Quentin, and The Beatles’s last official show at Candlestick Park. Most of us would trade our left hands to have been there. But if you were Jim Marshall, you could boast that you went and shot…

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Film Review: Life (CTC, GER/USA/CAN/AUS, 2015)

The title of this film doesn’t really give much of an insight into its narrative and in fact, the word “life” has a bit of a double entendre. It couples as both the act of existing as well as the name of the publication that one of our leads works for. Not so surprisingly though,…

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