Looking for every announcement from today’s Nintendo Direct? You’ll find them here. Ninty dropped a plethora of new trailers and kicked the 2021 hype train into motion. After announcing the broadcast only yesterday, we’ve quickly laid out everything Nintendo had to talk about, in chronological order. Pyra blazes into battle! Super Smash Bros…
Read moreIf you read over our Game of the Year list for 2019 and thought there were a few missing titles, there’s a reason for that. We simply can’t fit them all. In fact, there were so many great titles to come out in 2019 that we felt running a single list didn’t feel quite fair….
Read moreHot on the heels of their Star Wars Jedi presentation, Respawn Entertainment went into their plans for Season 2 of Apex Legends. Fans concerned about a dearth of content will hopefully find them allayed with the wave of updates on the way. The new Battle Pass has been dubbed Battle Charge, along with a fresh new…
Read moreI haven’t enjoyed any title in the Battle Royale genre before Apex Legends. Not one. To date, my firmly held opinion has been that BR is a multiplayer mode that has risen well above its station, lacking the substance required to be a genre unto itself. Apex Legends not only changed my opinion on Battle…
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