Beastie Boys

The Flaming Lips

Interview: Wayne Coyne of The Flaming Lips reflects on the enduring popularity of Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots

On the cusp of their upcoming Australian tour, I caught up with Wayne Coyne, the frontman of The Flaming Lips. We discussed the enduring popularity of their album Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots, which has been celebrated for over 20 years. Coyne reflects on the song “Do You Realize?” and its transformation into a symbol…

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The AU Review’s 101 Greatest Songs of All Time: Part One – 101 to 76

What makes a good song great? What is it about that one song from the 80’s that still resonates with you now, in 2016? What was it about that artist’s debut single that still stacks up with material they’re releasing now, four or five albums deep? These are the sorts of questions we’ve been asking ourselves recently in…

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