Given how crucial Benedict Cumberbatch‘s Doctor Strange was to the events of both Avengers: Infinity War and last year’s Spider-Man: No Way Home, it’s easy to forget that he hasn’t had all that much time dedicated to solely earning his own spotlight. And whilst he earns titular rights in Sam Raimi‘s bonkers sequel – Doctor…
Read moreWith an incredibly vague premise that could read as pretentiously high-concept, Nine Days is the type of life-altering experience that, as cliched as it is to state, needs to be seen to be believed. A powerful piece of storytelling that announces writer/director Edson Oda as a major talent to keep tabs on, Nine Days centres…
Read moreFor cinemagoers we’ve been inundated of late with films that are adaptations, remakes or film franchises. So it’s unusual for us to finally have one that’s an original concept, which inadvertently puts a lot of pressure on it to be worth the time and money to see. Gemini Man was originally conceived in 1997 and…
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