There are very few artists in hip hop these days who are balanced when it comes to both emceeing and producing, with many who try often excelling at one while falling behind in the other. Detroit’s Black Milk is one of these few, and while he has always been a stronger producer, previous projects have…
Read moreOne of Detroit’s sharpest emcees and hardest working beatsmiths, Black Milk, will be heading down to Australia and New Zealand this November, performing a string of shows to complement his festival set at Tocumwal’s annual Strawberry Fields. After consistently delivering quality projects like 2010’s Album of the Year and 2014’s If There’s a Hell Below,…
Read moreThe sunny Gold Coast, with its stunning beach coastline, and warm inviting weather, for one weekend a year the pop culture and gaming and anime fandoms descend on this little city. It’s a sight to behold when people are crossing the main highway all dressed in cosplay. That’s when you know that Supanova Pop Culture…
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