
POPSART: La Boite Theatre’s Blackrock, a brutal tale of sexual violence against women that is still relevant as ever.

The new production of Blackrock, a play written by Nick Enright some 20 years ago, opened at La Boite Theatre in Brisbane last night. Its opening coincided with the acquittal of four men found not guilty of the gang rape of a fifteen year old girl in the Blue Mountains; it’s clear this horrifying narrative is as…

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Review: Blackrock is a powerful, painful, must-see piece of iconic Australian theatre (at La Boite, Brisbane until August 12th)

A group of teenagers come together for a party on the beach. But come morning, a fifteen year old girl is dead, raped and then beaten to death. The work of late playwright Nick Enright, Blackrock follows the aftermath of this terrible act, as the party-goers explore their guilt, whether as perpetrators or as bystanders,…

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Seven theatre productions you can’t miss in Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane this month

It’s a massive month for theatre all around Australia, with the Helpmann Awards on July 24th only furthering the spotlight on the many great productions happening all over Australia. But the Helpmann nominees aren’t the only shows worth celebrating; here are seven productions which kick off or continue through the month ahead in Sydney, Brisbane,…

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Theatre Review: Great performances fail to brighten this Blackrock (at Seymour Centre until 25th March)

There are some standout performances in White Box’s production of Blackrock, now playing at Sydney’s Seymour Centre, but they’re not enough to lift it to the heights this play deserves. At a time when violence against women remains high in our nation’s consciousness, we need plays like Nick Enright’s Blackrock to hit us where it…

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