
Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred succeeds at strengthening and expanding upon the core experience

I’ve dabbled in the Diablo games for almost two decades now. But I have to say, Diablo 4 still stands as my favourite. It simply refined and deepened every mechanic and aspect of the overall franchise, and kept me around for months after my official review. Over a year later, Diablo 4 has released its…

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Game Review: Diablo 4 is the best the series has ever been

I had never really played much of the Diablo series. While I had played each of them in some way or at some point in my life, they’ve never really stuck with me. Be it the ageing mechanics and visuals of Diablo and Diablo II on the PC, to the early days of Diablo III,…

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Game Preview: Hands on with Diablo IV’s open beta

I must admit, for as popular as Diablo III has been since its launch, it had never managed to grab me, nor keep me around for more than a couple of months after its release. That being said, Diablo IV’s open beta seemed like the perfect opportunity to become reacquainted with the franchise that might…

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Here’s when and how you can access the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 beta

Activision has recently announced exactly how and when fans can get their hands on the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 beta. And the best news? It’s only a few weeks away. The beta itself will be available at an earlier date for those who have pre-ordered the game, with two separate weekends providing access…

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We’re not spoiled for choice with gaming merch in Australia

I’ve been looking everywhere for what might be good gaming merchandise. I’ve trawled through official sites, brick-and-mortar stores and even outlets like Red Bubble. I have to admit, there’s not a whole lot of variety across all three of these, and what’s there is usually not that good, covered in brands or weird quotes or…

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From Runescape to Overwatch: The gaming holiday events you’ve got to get amongst

It’s December! Which means presents, sales, friends, family… aaand End of Year Events across a range of games! It’s always great – developers preparing content to see the year off with their player-base, usually around a winter-Christmas theme, content to be playable and fresh through until the next year… it’s almost a tradition of online games to…

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Overwatch‘s server browser is imminent, but may not work the way you expect

Overwatch game director Jeff Kaplan has released a new Developer Update video this morning, introducing a feature the game’s PC fanbase has been howling for since launch — a server browser. The thing is, it may not work in quite the way fans were expecting.

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Next Overwatch event will celebrate Chinese New Year

Overwatch will see its next major event kick off in just a few days time, with the central theme being a celebration of the Spring Festival, or Chinese New Year.

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Reminder: Overwatch is free-to-play this weekend

Wanna take Sombra for a spin? Of course you do. Lucky for you, Blizzard’s team shooter Overwatch is free all weekend and you can grab it right now.

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BlizzCon 2016: Overwatch getting Arcade mode, brand new maps

Overwatch is set to launch a new Arcade mode in the coming weeks. Arcade will be released onto the Public Test Realm next week along with a map based around frost damage defense hero Mei called Eco Point, and long-awaited new hero Sombra.

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Freddie Wong in live action short to celebrate arrival of Blizzard’s Heroes Brawl; Blademaster Samuro arrives in the Nexus

Blizzard‘s Heroes of the Storm brand new game mode, Heroes Brawl, has made its launch and to celebrate Blizzard have teamed up with American Youtube outfit, and RocketJump to create a hilarious live action short.

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Video Games Interview: Heroes of the Storm Lead PvP Battleground Designer John DeShazer talks Brawl Mode, custom games and Reddit pitches

At Blizzcon 2015, Blizzard announced Heroes of the Storm‘s Arena mode, which has now been revamped under the new title Heroes Brawl.  Heroes Brawl will launch on the week of October 17. We sat down with lead battleground designer John DeShazer to talk about  it.

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BlizzCon has announced the team that will represent Australia in the 2016 Overwatch World Cup

BlizzCon has announced Australia’s team of six Overwatch representatives that have been chosen to battle it out on the Overwatch World Cup stage. After taking part in qualifiers over the past month, Australia’s team will be joining over fifty countries and regions who will be competing in the Overwatch World Cup. Overwatch is a team-based…

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End of an era: Blizzard to retire the name

Blizzard Entertainment have indicated that they will be “transitioning away from”, the name the company has used to denote its multiplayer services since Diablo‘s release in 1996, citing confusion over the name from outside parties.

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Gamescom 2016: New Overwatch short, “The Last Bastion,” is your dose of positivity for the day

Blizzard Entertainment have released the latest animated short for their popular team-shooter Overwatch. The short, entitled The Last Bastion, debuted at Gamescom in Cologne, Germany and provides a little backstory for Defense hero Bastion. Check it out below.

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Gamescom 2016: Overwatch gets new map, Eichenwalde

Blizzard have hit the ground running at Gamescom 2016, announcing a brand new map for their competitive team-shooter Overwatch. Called Eichenwalde, the new map will see players storming a German castle.

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Video Games Interview: Blizzard’s Kent-Erik Hagman on the past, present and future of Heroes of the Storm

It’s been just over twelve months since Blizzard released Heroes of the Storm, an accessible take on the MOBA genre that features characters from the developer’s legendary back catalogue. In that time, the game has seen multiple updates, new heroes, in-game events and huge e-sporting competitions come and go. How has that been for someone…

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Overwatch adds new game modes and skins to celebrate the Rio 2016 Olympics

Overwatch is celebrating the Summer Olympics with over 100 themed cosmetic items and a new game mode, Lucioball.

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Blizzard Entertainment unveils Arthas Statue in Taichung, Taiwan

At an event in Taichung, Taiwan earlier this week, Blizzard Entertainment unveiled a giant bronze statue of one of its most iconic characters: Lich King, Arthas Menethil, from the Warcraft universe. The statue is located on the Calligraphy Greenway, a cultural and artistic hub built around the concepts of innovation, sustainability, recreation, and entertainment. The…

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Latest Overwatch patch brings buffs for Ana, further nerfs for McCree

Blizzard have begun rolling out a fresh patch for the Windows version of their team-shooter Overwatch that will see tweaks to the game’s newest hero, Ana, to make her more versatile and space cowboy McCree to weaken his effectiveness at longer range. Ana players will now notice her rifle fires 20 percent faster than it did…

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Blizzard introduces first new Overwatch hero, Ana

Following a tease on Twitter last week, Blizzard have officially revealed the first character to join their team shooter Overwatch post-launch. Ana is a support class who wields a sniper rifle to heal allies at great range.

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Blizzard drops major hint that new Overwatch character may be imminent

The official Overwatch Twitter account has posted a significant hint that a new character may already be on their way to the team-shooter. The news adds fuel to persistent theories that the new character would be a blend of sniper and support classes.

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Overwatch‘s competitive mode arrives on PC today

Blizzard will update the PC version of their world-beating team shooter Overwatch today, adding the hotly-anticipated Competitive Play option. The mode will give skilled players looking to take the game a little more seriously the ability to do so, however console players will need to keep waiting for now.

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Overwatch overtakes League of Legends as Korea’s most popular internet cafe game

Overwatch‘s record-breaking run continues with the game currently attracting a huge share of players at Korean internet cafes, removing League of Legends from the top spot for the first time in four years.

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Overwatch‘s latest patch nerfs McCree, rebalances Widowmaker

The PC version of Overwatch has received a patch this week that significantly altered two of the game’s more popular characters. McCree’s Fan-the-Hammer alternate fire was finally nerfed, while sniper Widowmaker was rebalanced to keep them from being “must-picks” and “unstoppable.”

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Blizzard’s new deal with Facebook lets you stream Hearthstone, Overwatch straight to your FB feed

It’s going to be easier than its ever been to log into your Battle.Net account soon. Blizzard have announced a new deal with Facebook that will allow players to livestream games directly to their newsfeeds and log in using their Facebook credentials.

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Video Games Review: Overwatch (PC, 2016)

You might be thinking to yourself, boy it’s been like a week since Overwatch came out, David. What’s the hold up on that review? I’ll tell you: I haven’t been able to stop playing it long enough to form a coherent thought. I am actually using every ounce of will I possess to write this review instead of…

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Happy Overwatch Day, everyone

Cavalry’s here, loves. It’s May 24, which means Blizzard’s long-awaited team shooter Overwatch is now available on PC, PS4 and Xbox One, and the servers are live.

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Third Overwatch animated short digs into Hanzo’s backstory

With a week left before launch, Blizzard have released the third character-centric animated short  for Overwatch. The latest short focuses on Japanese archer Hanzo and the mysterious cyborg ninja Genji.

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