
The Best Books of the Year: 2024

As we rapidly approach the end of the year, the AU Books team have been desperately sorting books, rating and re-rating, choosing and re-choosing as they try to narrow down their favourite reads of 2024. It’s never an easy to task to choose just one, so we at least let them put forward a couple…

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The AU’s Most Anticipated Books of 2024: April – June

We’re already a quarter of the way through the year and the AU Books Team are getting excited for the next round of upcoming releases. Here are some of the upcoming releases that have caught our attention. April No Church in the Wild – Murray Middleton Pan Macmillan Australia | Pub Date: 26th March | Order…

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Come and Get It

Book Review: Kiley Reid serves up her hotly awaited sophomore novel, Come and Get It

Come and Get It is the highly anticipated follow up novel from Kiley Reid, whose debut Such a Fun Age was a smash hit upon its release in 2019. Like her first novel, Reid’s sophomore foray into fiction looks at issues of race and class in contemporary America; this time through the eyes of three…

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The AU’s Most Anticipated Books of 2024: Jan – Mar

It’s a new year and The AU book team are already eyeing up the release charts and penning in their most anticipated releases for the year. The beginning of 2024 brings in a host of exciting books. With everything from mythical sea creatures, 1800’s apothecaries, America as seen through the eyes of its First Peoples,…

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Most Anticipated Books Oct to Dec

The AU’s Most Anticipated Books of 2022: Oct to Dec

We’re now edging ever closer to Christmas. That means we’re now entering into some of the busiest weeks in the world of publishing and book selling. Expect to see lots of gift books and themed releases on the shelves in the next few weeks. With so many books being released each month, we in the…

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The Leviathan

Book Review: Encounter an ancient evil in Rosie Andrews’ The Leviathan

As civil war tears 17th century England apart, Thomas Treadwater returns home, summoned by his young sister. Esther, concerned by the growing closeness between their father and a new servant, has spun quite the tale. And Thomas, though glad of a reason to escape the battlefield, thinks little of it. But when he arrives to…

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Book Review: Trek the Pennine Way with Anita Sethi in new memoir I Belong Here

After being subjected to a racist attack on a TransPennine Express train, Anita Sethi decided enough was enough. With no one on the train willing to step in and stop her abuser on his vicious tirade, she reached out to train staff and police herself, choosing to speak up for herself in a way she…

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A Net for Small Fishes

Book Review: An infamous Jacobean murder gets a fictional treatment in Lucy Jago’s A Net for Small Fishes

‘Today is the fourteenth day of November, 1615. I have known Frankie for nearly seven years. She is twenty-five years old and eight months pregnant. I am thirty-nine years old and about to die or be pardoned.’ You’d be forgiven for not knowing about the murder known as The Overbury Scandal. I had certainly never…

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The Shape of Darkness

Book Review: The Shape of Darkness reinforces Laura Purcell as a master of building suspense

Laura Purcell’s fourth novel with Raven Books once again sees the ‘queen of the sophisticated and spooky page turner’ serve us up a Gothic, historical treat. Whilst none of her subsequent books have been quite so spine-chilling as 2017’s The Silent Companions, this latest offering, The Shape of Darkness is a suitably spooky novel about violence, grief…

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Best Books of 2020

The 14 Best Books of 2020

By now it goes without saying that 2020 has been a rough year. From wildfires to a global pandemic there has disruption and upheaval on a scale rarely, if ever, seen in “peacetime”. Pretty much every sector of society has taken a hit this year. And the publishing world, as with much of the Arts…

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Book Review: You’ll sleep with the lights on after reading Laura Purcell’s The Silent Companions

Elsie Bainbridge, newly widowed, is sent to her late husband’s estate to see out the last few weeks of her pregnancy. With a skeleton staff, abandoned, dusty rooms, and a surrounding village terrified of the house, The Bridge is far from the haven Elsie hopes it to be. But when she and Sarah, her husband’s…

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