Bloomsbury Australia

Book Review: Mat Osman’s The Ghost Theatre is a vivid imagining of Elizabethan England

Shay is an outsider. Part of a fringe religion known as the Aviscultans, she has never quite lived up to the legacy of her mother, who divined great messages from the murmurations of starlings. Regularly escaping to London, she works as a messenger, skipping nimbly across the city skyline, and, occasionally, staging rescues of birds…

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The AU’s Most Anticipated Books of 2023: Apr – Jun

2023 is flying by and somehow it’s the other side of Easter already. So we in the AU Books Team are back with some more of our most anticipated books of the year; this time for April through to June.  With so many books published each month it would be impossible to cover them all….

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The AU’s Most Anticipated Books of 2023: Jan – Mar

Happy New Year! 2023 is already in full swing and we in the AU Books Team are back and ready to look ahead at some of this year’s most anticipated books. With so many books published each week, month and year, it’d be impossible to read them all. So this is only the briefest snapshot…

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Most Anticipated Books

The AU’s Most Anticipated Books of 2022: Apr – Jun

Somehow it’s April already, with Easter coming up just next week. And in our opinion nothing pairs better with a chocolate egg and a long weekend like a good book.  To help you decide what to read next, we at the AU Books Team are here to pick out some choice cuts from the many…

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Paul Beatty takes home 2016 Man Booker Prize for his novel The Sellout

Paul Beatty has taken home the 2016 Man Booker Prize for his novel The Sellout – becoming the first American to win the award. The Sellout is a searing and, incredibly topical, satire of race relations in contemporary America. The novel is narrated by African-American Bonbon, a resident of a run-down town in Los Angeles, which…

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