Bri Lee

Close up image of two women carrying All About Women tote bags.

Review: All About Women at the Sydney Opera House will make you uncomfortable – and that’s a good thing

There has been a lot of discussion around International Women’s Day this year, with many expressing strong concerns the day has become tokenistic. Big corporations, largely still run by middle aged white men, throw a morning tea (often organised by the women in the office) and lament lyrically about the organisation’s commitment to inclusivity and…

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Trent Dalton wins big at the 2019 Australian Book Industry Awards

Tonight the best and brightest of Australian publishing descended on Sydney and the Grand Ballroom of the International Convention Centre for the 2019 Australian Book Industry Awards – the Australian equivalent of the Oscars for the bookishly inclined.  If you’ve been even vaguely following the Australian literary world over the last twelve months then the…

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POPSART: Bri Lee at the Griffith Review Launch of their latest issue, Millennials Strike Back

POPSART is a new series here at Arts on the AU, which comes care of Brisbane arts journalist Bec Mac. She’ll give us, in her own words: “a weekly video interview with an artist or curator (across any kind of art form) at their opening night, a sneak preview or event and hopefully will give a quick capture…

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