Carice Van Houten

TV Review: Game of Thrones, Season 6 Episode 2 “Home” (USA, 2016)

If last week’s episode began to build up the idea that the showrunners of Game of Thrones might have what it takes to pull off an ending to Martin’s saga, this week’s episode continued this – delivering an impressive episode with plenty of big moments that are sure to clog up social media over the…

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TV Review: Game of Thrones, Season 6 Episode 1 “The Red Woman”

Despite its status as the biggest TV series in pop culture these days, it’s an unexpected-but-promising sign that “The Red Woman” kicks off Season 6 of Game of Thrones with a whimper and not a bang. The episode wasted no time in picking up the pieces left in the wake of Jon Snow’s death last season with Davos…

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Seven people we want to see return to Game of Thrones that aren’t Jon Snow

It’s a testament to the scope of George R.R. Martin‘s work that Game of Thrones that you can literally lose track of major characters. Throughout the series’ six seasons, people pop in and out of differences places and plotlines constantly. In some cases, viewers are left wondering what happened to so-and-so for seasons at a time. Given the…

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Interview: Carice Van Houten (Melisandre) talks about Season Five of Game of Thrones

Those who have finished the entire Season 5 of Game of Thrones may know that there is much speculation over what role Melisandre will play as we move into the sixth season of this groundbreaking fantasy epic. In anticipation for the entire Season 5 being made available to own on digital download (through retailers like…

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Interview: Carice Van Houten (Melisandre) talks about Season Four of Game of Thrones

With the fourth season of Game of Thrones releasing of DVD and Blu-Ray in Australia tomorrow, we’re bringing you a series of interview with the cast of the show, as they reflect on the latest series of the big budget, highly acclaimed production. We kick things off with The Red Woman (Melisandre) herself, Carice Van Houten….

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