
Golden Age Cinema presents Part One of 2016 Program for Autumn

The program for this year’s Golden Age’s Autumn is a whopper! From art, comedy, music, talks, fashion and food – these things come before talking about any of the films. In the last two years, Golden Age have brought a new way of experiencing film. Since opening up a boutique cinema and bar, they have…

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Film Review: Carol (M) (UK/USA, 2015)

Carol may look like a film set in the 1950’s but it feels far more modern than its exterior appears. A slow burning love story that refuses to end on a tragic note, performed by two exceptional leads that doesn’t require any loud professions about sexuality or equality or feminism to make its point. We…

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Watch the Full Trailer for CAROL

Starring Rooney Mara as Therese and Cate Blanchett as Carol, the CAROL is an adaptation of the Patricia Highsmith novel The Price of Salt. Directed by Todd Haynes and written by Phyllis Nagy, click through to watch the trailer in full… Due for release in 2016, CAROL is set in 1950s New York and follows the story…

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