Channel Ten

The Bold and the Beautiful anniversary episodes to be filmed in Australia

The Forresters Down Under! That’s what’s happening in February this year when the cast and crew of the popular daytime soapie, The Bold and the Beautiful, makes its way to Australia to film special anniversary episodes. As the world’s most watched daily drama, it’s only fitting that Australia feature in special episodes, with the series…

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Aussie X-Files fans flood Channel Ten’s social networks with disappointment over week long delay

It’s been promoted for months, anticipated for years, and now the day has arrived… The X-Files is back! Well… if you live in America that is. And it seems that Australian fans of the popular series are understandably perplexed as to why Channel Ten are making them wait almost a week before screening the first…

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The end of a television legacy: We attend one of the final tapings of The Late Show with David Letterman

This marks the final week The Late Show With David Letterman will be on the air with new episodes, bringing an end to over 20 years of nightly television tradition in the iconic Ed Sullivan Theatre in New York City, and a television career spanning 35 years. Having watched the show since it first arrived…

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TV Review: New Girl – Season 3 Episode 14 “Prince” (USA, 2014)

It was one of the most anticipated episodes of the series and for one enormous reason: Prince. All right, maybe two: the “l word” was in there as well. The episode started out strong, laughs right from the get go before Jess and Cece regaled the boys with a curious anecdote, ending in an invitation…

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TV Review: Sleepy Hollow (USA, 2013) Season 1, Episodes 6 – 13

For those of you who haven’t yet hopped on board with Sleepy Hollow I’m here to once again regale you with a recap of episodes to give you a chance to check the series out now that it’s completed all 13 episodes. Episodes 1-5 of Season One introduced us to Ichabod Crane (Tom Mison) and…

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TV Review: New Girl – Season 3 Episode 13 “Birthday” (USA, 2014)

Any episode entitled “Birthday” is probably going to have an aspect of significance to it, particularly when the birthday in question is that of Jess. Within the very first minute it was established that Jess has unrealistically high expectations for her birthday, evidenced by a flashback of Cece gifting her a sweater made in China,…

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TV Review: Homeland Season 3 Episode 12 – “The Star” (M) (US, 2013)

Homeland is back for another year. I will be chronicling the journeys of Carrie, Saul and Brody throughout the third season of the best show currently on television. Spoilers within so don’t read before viewing the episodes! *SERIOUS SPOILER ALERT* Previously on Homeland… Brody (Damian Lewis) has managed to assassinate Javadi’s boss, and Carrie (Claire Danes) is doing…

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TV Review: Homeland Season 3 Episodes 7-11 (M) (US, 2013)

Homeland is back for another year. I will be chronicling the journeys of Carrie, Saul and Brody throughout the third season of the best show currently on television. Spoilers within so don’t read before viewing the episodes! Previously on Homeland… Saul (Mandy Patinkin) has been successful in his plan to use Carrie (Claire Danes) as bait in…

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TV Review: New Girl – Season 3 Episode 9 “Longest Night Ever” (USA, 2013)

Three cheers for the return of Ferguson! Winston’s intense love of that cat remains a very amusing theme of this season and it was nice to have it brought to the forefront yet again. Winston also took on a bigger role in this episode, although he still seems the odd man out of the gang….

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TV Review: New Girl – Season 3 Episode 8 “Menus” (USA, 2013)

We’ve really got to give kudos to New Girl for still coming up with the quirkiest plot ideas without getting too off-track or repetitive. This was a really solid episode, ticking all the boxes for amusement, development, and character airtime – Coach and Cece included. That being said, in the aftermath of last week’s episode,…

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TV Review: New Girl – Season 3 Episode 7 “Coach” (USA, 2013)

This week’s episode brought the whole gang back together with the arrival of Coach (Damon Wayans Jr), and, let’s be honest, was anyone really expecting that plot? Strip clubs, crying, getting drunk (we probably expected those last two), and Taye Diggs saying ‘rubber baby buggy bumpers’. All signs of a great episode. It was nice…

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TV Review: Homeland Season 3 Episodes 5 & 6 – “The Yoga Play” / “Still Positive” (US, 2013)

Homeland is back for another year. I will be chronicling the journeys of Carrie, Saul and Brody throughout the third season of the best show currently on television. Spoilers within so don’t read before viewing the episodes! Previously on Homeland… So the whole ‘Saul betraying Carrie and having her put in a mental institution’ scenario…

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TV Review: Homeland Season 3 Episode 4 – “Game On” (US, 2013)

Homeland is back for another year. I will be chronicling the journeys of Carrie, Saul and Brody throughout the third season of the best show currently on television. Spoilers within so don’t read before viewing the episode! Previously on Homeland… Saul has betrayed Carrie by ratting her out to the government. After taking her story…

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TV Review: Sleepy Hollow (USA, 2013) – Season 1, Episodes 1 – 5

You’ve probably heard of the name ‘Sleepy Hollow’, you might be familiar with the original ‘The Legend of Sleepy Hollow’ story by Washington Irving, or maybe the Tim Burton horror film that featured Johnny Depp rings a bell? It’s a fairly popular and remade work of fiction and this time it gets a modern twist…

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TV Review: Homeland Season 3 Episode 3 – “Tower of David” (US, 2013)

Let’s get it out of the way up front: I love Homeland. I think it is the best thing on TV right now (with its only true competition being Game of Thrones now that Breaking Bad has ended). I found the first two seasons to be riveting and immaculately constructed, and I have high hopes for the third. As I…

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