Charlie’s Angels

Film Review: Charlie’s Angels offers just enough to prove its necessity in a year of pointless revivals

Ready to feel old? The big-screen adaptation of Charlie’s Angels was released almost 20 years ago. Yes, it’s been nearly two decades since Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, and Lucy Liu lit up the screen with McG’s (remember him?) glitzy relaunch that was all sorts of campy fun. Alright, it wasn’t exactly a masterful film. And it certainly…

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The Top 10 Most Badass Heroines From the Big Screen

With the final Hunger Games film slowly approaching, and the end in sight for the popular female-led trilogy, we celebrate our top 10 film heroines of all time. From Disney’s Mulan, to Katniss herself, these badass ladies lead a wave of female empowerment on the big screen, particularly in the realm of young adult book-to-film adaptations.  So what…

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