Chelsea Warner

Chelsea Warner

Chelsea Warner’s top tips before you head into the studio

Sydney singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist and producer Chelsea Warner is going through a purple patch of releasing new music. Today she released “It Be Like That”, the third new track since June. Following on from “Drama” and “Not In The Mood” it continues the theme of self-exploration, analysis and growth. Classically trained at the Sydney Conservatorium…

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Chelsea Warner

Guest Playlist: Chelsea Warner’s top 10 “Drama” playlist suggestions for songs to plot revenge/be petty to

Chelsea Warner is a Sydney-based producer and multi-instrumentalist. Classically trained at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, she has broad tastes, with some smooth R’n’B and alt-pop to the fore. Her latest single is “Drama”, a tune that showcases her silky voice and adroit songwriting. “Drama” is a song that many young adults will be able…

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