christopher landon

Film Review: Heart Eyes indulges in equal parts charm and carnage

Whilst the slasher genre has certainly maintained a steady presence within the horror genre as of late, Heart Eyes very much leans into the sporadically gory, gloriously nonsensical mentality that so many Scream imitators indulged in across the late 90s and early 2000s in the wake of Wes Craven’s original slasher rejuvenating the field. The…

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Film Review: Freaky is a crowd-pleasing horror/comedy that’s deeper and funnier than it has any right to be

Coming off of such aggressive roles in features as Dragged Across Concrete and Brawl In Cell Block 99, the thought of Vince Vaughn flailing his arms and strutting with the poise of a flustered teenage girl is one that’s all the more appealing when you view it in its actuality.  And it’s the hulking 6’5…

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Interview: Director Christopher Landon on his Freaky new film, the Happy Death Day franchise, and injecting humanity into the horror genre

  As the trailer for Christopher Landon‘s body-swap horror-comedy Freaky premieres across the globe, The AU Review’s Peter Gray was fortunate enough to chat with the director, touching on the casting of Vince Vaughn and Kathryn Newton, his love of the horror genre, and if we can expect a third Happy Death Day. After seeing…

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Film Review: Happy Death Day 2U (USA, 2019) is just as much of a surprise as the delightfully twisted original

Just as much of a surprise as the delightfully twisted original – 2017’s Happy Death Day – Happy Death Day 2U is revelatory not because it improves on its predecessor’s horror temperament, but because it completely bypasses the slasher genre trope and cements itself firmly within the grounds of science-fiction. Given how much fun writer and director…

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