The new Netflix film The Cloverfield Paradox has had something of a remarkable life. In an unprecedented (yet perhaps inevitable) move, the streaming service dropped the film right after the Super Bowl on Monday, having only officially announced it during that very event. Since it was released, numerous articles and reddit threads have emerged, trying…
Read moreNot so long ago, in a galaxy pretty close, on a planet called Earth we saw the release of Cloverfield. Ten-Years-Ago to be precise. It was a hit at the time, unique with its clever use of found footage that had not been done to death (just yet). With J.J. Abrams producing and Matt Reeves…
Read moreJ.J. Abrams’ next mystery box 10 Cloverfield Lane is only a fortnight away and Bad Robot are keeping fans guessing with a trio of new teasers entitled ‘Shaking’, ‘Salt’ and ‘Scissors’. Check them out below: Shaking Salt Scissors 10 Cloverfield Lane comes out on the 10th of March 2016. ———- This content has recently been ported…
Read more10 Cloverfield Lane comes out next month, so there’s never been a better time to revisit the first Cloverfield. Released in 2008, the film blended found-footage, disaster and monster movies in some really exciting ways. Like almost everything JJ Abrams has touched, it has its fair share of detractors – but also a lot of fans. Consequently,…
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