If you want to know why when Peter Gray spoke to Alison Brie about her latest film, Somebody I Used To Know, they started suggesting television shows where Jason Biggs would fornicate with various types of dessert pies, you’ll just have to watch it and find out. To be fair, Brie’s character Ally and her…
Read moreThe Visual Arts grows in many bubbles, effervescently forming little universes around a gallery, the artists they represent, the work that is curated there, the investment by the buyer, the academic and critical analysis of the work, the art lover and the people who go there for the free champagne. All these players are greatly…
Read moreOn paper, Bingefest’s Writers’ Room handily emerged as parhaps the most uncertain-yet-unmissable event on the weekend’s lineup (that doesn’t involve Shia LeBouf). Bringing together Community-creator Dan Harmon, Please Like Me’s Josh Thomas and Rosehaven co-creators Luke McGregor and Celia Pacquola under the guidance of Gretel Killeen to develop a concept for a TV show sounds…
Read moreCult comedy and regular best. show. ever recipient Community was purchased by Yahoo! last year, adding to the confusion over the series foggy future. At least that future is a bit clearer now with the announcement that the show will return for a Sixth Season, an announcement made at a panel which included series creator…
Read moreI know there are time when you have watched Community and sat there wishing you could talk to Shirley about life, religion, and everything in between (at least I hope I’m not alone on this one). Today from 5:30pm to 6pm (AEST) you’ll get your chance. The bubbly Yvette Nicole Brown – who plays Shirley…
Read moreCommunity fans rejoice! After hearing the devastating news in May that NBC were cancelling the brilliant and clever Community, things did not look promising. Even though the show was being shopped around various studios in the hope of finding it a new home, it was never certain that we would ever get another season of the show. But…
Read moreAmerican actress Yvette Nicole Brown is the latest guest to join the massive Oz Comic-Con lineup for Melbourne this July! Brown, known for her role as Shirley on the NBC hit Community, also has a strong fan base with younger television viewers from her days on Drake & Josh. Brown’s addition to the Oz Comic-Con…
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