Conan Exiles

Games Review: Conan Exiles (PS4, 2018): A flawed yet engaging survival experience

Let me tell you a story of a man destined for greatness. A barbarian, brutally carving his way through a desolate and dangerous land, where only the strongest will survive. These were the days of high adventure! However, I’m not sure where Conan Exiles fits into this mould. Bringing many elements to the table, it’s…

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Video Games Preview: Conan Exiles shows promise, but has a long walk across the desert ahead of it

If you have played any open world survival genre in the last 2 years, you’ve got a good idea how your time with Conan Exiles, even in this early state, will play out. Conan Exiles doesn’t really try anything new at this stage and for most that will be okay. It is essentially another entry in the…

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