Crackdown 3

Games Review: Crackdown 3 is not the platform exclusive the Xbox One badly needs right now

I think we all knew, deep down, that Crackdown 3 was never going to be anything special. Years of delays don’t seem to have given developer Sumo Digital the space they needed to build on even the original game’s most basic concepts. It seems content to replicate the parts of the original that worked best…

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Crackdown 3‘s Director Goodwin is the one villain the game won’t let me kill

Crackdown 3 is a game about an agency of highly trained, superpowered cops taking back the city of New Providence from the claws of an evil corporate empire called Terranova. Each sector of the city is overseen by a different brutal crimelord under Terranova’s control. The game’s main campaign has the player baiting these supervillains…

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E3 2018: Terry Crews returns for yet another Crackdown 3 trailer

The good news: Crackdown 3 has a new trailer with a ton of gameplay. The bad news: It’s definitely been delayed until 2019.

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E3 2018: Microsoft confirms Crackdown 3 delayed to 2019

With only days left before Microsoft’s E3 press conference, the company has confirmed to Windows Central that Crackdown 3 has been delayed yet again, this time into February 2019.

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Crackdown 3 has been delayed into 2018

Crackdown 3, the long-awaited third entry in the open-world superpowered police series, has been delayed into 2018 according to a new report from Polygon.

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Gamescom 2015: Crackdown 3 trailer looks like the Crackdown game we want

Reagent Games have shown off a new trailer for Crackdown 3 during Microsoft’s Gamescom showcase and it looks like everything we want in Crackdown game. Check out the trailer after the jump.

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